Monday, April 6, 2009


My precious baby boy accepted Jesus yesterday. What an awesome feeling to know that my entire family will be in heaven one day. I no longer have to wonder "what if". I am amazed how our Lord works. Many may think that a 6 year old (almost 7 as he says) can't understand the concept of salvation but I am here to tell you, THEY CAN!!!! I think adults are the ones that make it so complicated. No, I KNOW that we are the ones that complicate it all. "For God so loved the world, that He gave his only son, that whosoever believe in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life." Pretty simple if you think about it.My Jaxon has been talking about his salvation for about 6 months now. And his parents, Don & I, kept complicating it. We kept thinking he was too young, he didn't understand. We kept telling him that we will wait until he is 7 and then we will all go talk to our pastor together and then, and then and then. Well, God had other plans and He knew that Jaxon was ready. Over the past few weeks, it became an everyday thing for Jaxon to come to us with things weighing heavy on his sweet little heart. One of the nights, I told him to just pray and ask Jesus to come into his heart. He responded by saying "Mommy, He is already there!" OK - that was God telling me to quit holding my son back. This past Saturday night, we went to a Jeff Slaughter concert. Jaxon sat on the front row and we sat behind him. During the song, "We Believe"We, believe that Jesus is real. We believe in the truth He reveals. We believe that He saved us from sin. We believe that He's coming again,We Believe.
I watched him sing. I watched his little eyes begin to blink very fast as he continued to sing and staying completely focused on Jeff. He then sat down and put his feet up in the seat and just sat there with tears rolling down his face. He never said a word. Never looked around. He just was still. A few of the adults noticed as well. After a few minutes, he stood back up and began to sing again. It was the sweetest and most special moment. To see my baby become overwhelmed with the Holy Spirit. And God WANTED me to see. After the concert, we didn't speak about that moment. We just went home. That night, I told God, "If Jaxon ask to go up during the invitation, I won't hold him back." Well, the rest is history!!! My baby is now a child of God!!! Thank you Lord for working in his precious little heart. I pray that I can help him grow in Your word and he become the man You want him to be. He is yours, not mine!

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